Wednesday, May 19, 2010

El Vuh to Perform at the Santa Rita Center May 22nd from 11-2pm

 CC photo of Cesar Chavez mural courtesy of Salina Canizales on Flickr

El Vuh is set to perform a concert in Tucson on May 22nd, but has added another stop during the day for fans here in Phoenix. The event will take place at the historically significant Santa Rita Center which is also known as Santa Rita Hall. The community center is located at 1017 E. Hadley in South Phoenix and was listed on the Phoenix Historic Property Register in 2007 because of a man by the name of Cesar Chavez who spent many days of his famous 24-day fast in a tiny room at the Santa Rita Center. We have come far from 1972 and yet we stand on the dawn of yet another movement affecting our people.

It is no surprise that El Vuh has chosen such a modest, yet meaningful, venue for their meet and greet event for solidarity. The group works hard to help other Chicanos embrace their culture and work to live to our fullest potential as one of our famed leaders, Cesar Chavez, would have expected of us.

Here is a link to their flyer. Please feel free to tell others about this great event. You can also contact Jose Cortez at 602-565-1061 for more information. This event, like others of El Vuh, is sure to impose a great sense of pride and hope for the future so bring healthy energy and a desire to make positive change in our world.

***Update 5/20/10***
El Vuh has put out a press release about the event. Here's a link to it.

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