“Apathy is the glove into which evil slips its hand" -Bodie Thoene
Only a few weeks before the election and I have never felt so dismayed and frustrated by the political arena. I take that back, I was pretty dismayed in 1980 when Ronald Regan won the presidential election. I had been drowning my sorrows in a liberal amount of Jose Cuervo during the evening. After hearing the “landslide” results I went in my bedroom and donned a beret and came back to the party and announced I was “going underground” and promptly passed out.
None of us can afford apathy or going underground right now. As a culture our opponents are hoping that the on slaught of unfettered racism will suppress our passion. They are hoping it will scare us. Keep us quiet. Well that hasn’t happened we are slowly awakening to our potential power.
I think we have all been licking our wounds over SB 1070 even though it has taken a media back seat. We l saw everyone’s true colors come out. We saw politicians back pedaling on our critical issues so white voters wouldn’t abandon them. I am still feeling hurt and pissy.
The truth of the matter is we are all going to lose if we don’t make a stand in these elections. People will be watching how Latinos vote. It will become more and more important.
An even more frightening development is the Tea Party Movement and their candidates. We all know that this is just another attempt at legitimizing racism. These folks are just the KKK without hoods. At least this time around we can see their faces before they try to lynch us or run us back over the border. In Sundays AZ Republic there was a rather lengthy article about how “Tea Partyers” are trying to get on the CAP Board the Central
AZ Water Conservation District Board of Directors. It has always been a pretty diverse group of non-partisan folks working together to do their best to help manage our water resources. Now the “Tea Partyers” are forming a coalition to get in. The names of these candidates are Mark Lewis, Cynthia Moulton, John Rosado, TC Bundy and Raymond Johnson. These people have limited if any knowledge about water resource issues. There are already 4 members who were elected in 2006 who are conservative Republicans and have made life hell at the CAP with their micromanaging something they know nothing about. Okay I am really not into conspiracy theory stuff, but this makes me very nervous. I just feel icky about them having jurisdiction over our state water. Please remember these names and don’t vote for them.
I can’t even comment on the Senate race in Arizona. It does make me nervous when Glassman’s people are already trying to find him a new race to run in if he doesn’t win. The Mayor of Tucson? Really?
Please get out and vote for Terry Goddard. Let’s show the rest of the country that AZ can make good decisions. A vote for Terry is a vote against SB1070 and the craziness that Jan Brewer has brought down on our state and us.
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