Monday, August 23, 2010

Truth or Dare

“Always tell the truth. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.”
Mark Twain

Arizona is waiting for an important primary election on Tuesday. I don’t know about you but I have felt a little used and abused in the old Grand Canyon State over the past several months. So much hatred, backbiting, fear and lying has been on the daily menu. It takes a lot of courage for all of us not to get discouraged and keep fighting for change. The attack that started with the passage of SB1070 gave us something real to unite against and raise our voices together in protest. With the elections looming on the horizon I kept looking for someone who would valiantly stand up and tell the truth. . What I saw instead were Democrats playing it safe waiting to see what their “voting” base reflected before speaking out on issues like SB1070. John McCain and his rhetoric I expected. I knew he would throw Latino voters under the bus quickly and expect us to forget easily. Terry Goddard really surprised me by the way he kept watching the wind and staying safe. Will he make a better Governor than Jan Brewer? Of course! I am I disappointed? Yes! I knew that Raul Grijalva would never disappoint. He is a true statesmen and a brave man.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Thought for the Day: Senora Smith Goes to Washington

Mr. Smith image courtesy of Wikimedia commons

I was raised in a family that valued the power of voting. I come from a family that values hard work and the working class. My grandfather was a miner and a union member. My grandmother tells stories of hard times during strikes and good times when there was work. She worked in the fields when she was little and was blessed to be able to work at the local movie theaters when she was a young teenager. Because she looked white and was quite stunning, they didn't force the whole theater segregation on her. I guess we all learn, at some point, how to play "the game". However, every election season leaves me feeling a little more like Jimmy Stewart's Mr. Smith. When is this "game" going to end?

Friday, August 6, 2010

Acting Alien

Kris Kobach, a controversial Kansas attorney who is the lead author of SB 1070 says in a Maricopa County Sheriff’s office training video that an officer would have “reasonable suspicion” to peg someone as an “illegal alien” if more than one of the following criteria are met.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

First Selection for the True Mexican Book Club: The Four Agreements

Vivi and I thought starting a True Mexican Book Club would be a great way to get some of our readers together for discussion, fellowship and fun. We are selecting books that will enhance our knowledge and cultural experience and feature Latino authors. If you have any suggestions please let us know and we will add them to the list. The first book we have selected is the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. No, this is not some new age cult book. Don Miguel is legit. I have been pretty angry lately about all the events happening in Arizona and I picked it up again to realign my focus. I shared it with Vivi and it has helped us be less of a danger to ourselves and others.