Happy Saint Patricks Day ..........please enjoy this well done article
Throughout their history, Mexico and Ireland have experienced many similar events, in spite of their physical distance. Because these events have had such an impact on Mexico, it is often said that there is a real Irish presence in Mexican soil.
William Lamport, born in 1615, was one of many Irishmen who became famous in Mexico for his adventurous life. The story tells us that a scandalous love affair caused him to flee to Mexico (Nueva Espa ña), where he was moved by the poverty and degradation of Indians and Africans. Ultimately, he was accused of plotting a war of independence against the government, which led to his imprisonment. After ten years, he escaped and lived as a fugitive, continuing his life and love affairs in the New Spain. Eventually, he was captured and sentenced to death by the Inquisition, launching his name into legendary martyrdom. At the time, his adventurous and charitable lifestyle had such an impact, that citizens dubbed him the famous "El Zorro."(1)Another prominent Irishman who had a hand in Mexican politics was Dublin-born Hugh O'Connor, who moved to Nueva Espa ña to escape the harsh conditions that reigned in Ireland at that time. In his adopted homeland, he became one of the most notable bureaucrats, taking office as governor of the region of Texas and commander of the northern frontier. He was also the founder of the town now known as Tucson, Arizona. In the18th century, several bureaucrats and officers who represented Spain in Mexico were either Irish, or of Irish descent. O'Connor was one of the most important and distinguished.(2)
A plaque commemorates Los San Patricios in Mexico. A third example of an individual who motivated immigration and increased the Irish presence in Mexico was James Power, who founded a new Irish settlement under Mexican jurisdiction in the State of Texas. Due to his efforts, the laws in Texas particularly favored Irish immigration.The Refugio and San Patricio were areas of south Texas colonized by the Irish. Heading this colonization were four Irish businessmen, James Power and James Heweston (in Refugio) and John McMullen and James McGloin (in San Patricio). These men made contracts to colonize the land with people who were "Irish, Catholic and of good moral character." Power and Hewetson contracted with the Mexican government to bring over oppressed Irish settlers to colonize the area. Power traveled to his hometown of Ballygarrett, and eventually organized some 600 people to emigrate.(3)Many immigration stories were triggered by the potato famine of 1845, which brought devastation not only to Ireland, but also to the rest of Europe. For the Irish in particular, it was the beginning of mass evictions, starvation, sickness, and death for thousands. Some Irish were fortunate enough to afford the fare for an escape to the New World. Yet even while escaping, thousands died as a result of inhuman conditions aboard England's vessels.The trouble did not end once the Irish arrived in America. By the middle of the 19th century, the enormous number of Irish-Catholic immigrants dwelling in the United States increased the sentiment of hatred towards the Irish. Names and phrases like, "that Yankee hates Paddy," were common. Because they were victims of prejudice, the Irish found themselves becoming sympathetic to Mexicans. Subsequently, many of them deviated from their original plans of settling in the United States and crossed into Mexico.
Stolen Birthright: The U.S. Conquest and Exploitation of the Mexican People by Richard D. VogelIn the spring of 1846, the United States was eager to invade Mexico. According to some historians, the ostensible reason was to collect on past-due loans and indemnities; the more likely reason, however, was to provide the United States with control of the ports of San Francisco and San Diego, the trade route through New Mexico's territory, and the rich mineral resources of the Nevada territory (which belonged to the Republic of Mexico). The United States had previously offered $5 million dollars to purchase New Mexico's territory and $25 million dollars for California, but Mexico had refused. At the time, Irish immigrants felt empathy for Mexico, who it saw as another Catholic country being invaded by Protestant foreigners. In turn, they decided to fight with the Mexican battalions. The following are some excerpts of what was said in those times:
"Can you fight by the side of those who put fire to your temples in Boston and Philadelphia? Did you witness such dreadful crimes and sacrileges without making a solemn vow to our Lord? If you are Catholic, the same as we, if you follow the doctrines of Our Savior, why are you murdering your brethren? Why are you antagonistic to those who defend their country and your own God?"(4)The Irish division was known as Los San Patricios, or "Those of Saint Patrick." It participated in all the major battles of the war and was cited for bravery by General López de Santa Anna, the Mexican Commander in Chief and President. At the penultimate battle of the war, these Irishmen fought until their ammunition was exhausted, and even then tore down the white flag raised by their Mexican comrades, preferring to struggle on with bayonets. Despite their brave resistance, 85 of the Irish battalion were captured and sentenced to bizarre tortures and deaths at the hands of the Americans, resulting in what is considered even today as the "largest hanging affair in North America."(5) The event had a profound effect in Mexico. Since then, many authors have written novels and history books about the subject and monuments and statues honoring Los Patricios have been erected in major Mexican cities. Movies have been filmed and even special dates have been marked on the Mexican calendar, to commemorate Irish aid.In almost every Mexican account of the war, Los San Patricios are considered heroes who fought for the noble ideals of religion and a just cause against a Protestant invader of a peaceful nation. In U.S. history, Los San Patricios are often portrayed as deserters, traitors, and malcontents who joined the other side for land or money. Now, thanks to the highly regarded research of Michael Hogan and his book, The Irish Soldiers of Mexico, there is a much more objective analysis of the "San Patricios'" phenomenon.The battle influenced Mexico in such a way that it has become a critical development in the official version of Mexico's history. Every year, September 12 is remembered and celebrated. Recently, after 150 years, Mexico remembered the St. Patrick's Battalion with full military honors at the Plaza San Jacinto. A military band even performed the Mexican and Irish national anthems.(6) In 1993, the Irish began their own ceremony to honor the San Patricios in Clifden, Galway.The Irish in Mexico have an honorable reputation and a respectable legacy. To this day, an Irishman will be told countless times about the famous "Irish martyrs" who defected from the U.S. Army and gave their lives trying to save Mexico from U.S. aggression.The St. Patrick's Battalion impacted Mexico's social movements more than any one can imagine. Six years ago, almost 150 years after the historic event that marked Irish influence in Mexico, Marcos, the spokesman of the repressed and marginalized people of Chiapas, invoked the spirit of Los San Patricios in one of his famous speeches against the Mexican Government:
"When Mexico was fighting, in the last century, against the empire of the bars and crooked stars, there was a group of soldiers who fought on the side of the Mexicans and this group was called 'St. Patrick's Battalion'. And so I am writing you in the name of all of my compañeros and compañeras, because just as with the 'Saint Patrick's Battalion', we now see clearly that there are foreigners who love Mexico more than some natives who are now in the government do. And we hear that there were marches and songs and movies and other events so that there would not be war in Chiapas, which is the part of Mexico where we live and die.We like the Irish around here!"(7)After the historic war against the United States, Irish and English miners continued to migrate to Mexico, replacing the former Spaniards. They mostly settled in mining areas such as Zacatecas and Guanajuato. Others invested in local and national business.Today, Irish involvement in Mexico takes many forms. Although not a major trading partner, Mexico is a profitable venture for Ireland: the European country exports far more than they import.(8) Irish-based multinational companies also operate in Mexico.(9) As Mexican wages are lower than many countries in southeast Asia, where labor rights are severely restricted, economic and social instability may not stop firms from "relocating" or expanding to Mexico.(10)On the diplomatic front, Mexico recently opened an Embassy in Dublin, while Ireland has an Honorary Consul, Romulo O'Farrill Jr. Owner of several newspapers and a member of one of Mexico's most powerful families, O'Farrill is a good example of Irish names in prominent places. Only a few towns in Mexico lack a street named O'Brien, which, later on, became the Spanish "Obregón." There's also an "O'Brien City," better known as Ciudad Obregón, in the northern state of Sonora.In the realm of Mexican art and literature, Ireland is also a presence. Artist Juan O'Gorman was a painter and an architect who was born in Mexico City in 1905. The oldest son of an Irish father and Mexican mother, he adhered to a philosophy of "progressive socialism," which ultimately affected both his writings and buildings. Influenced by Irish and European modernists, O'Gorman produced some of the first examples of functionalist architecture in Mexico. "In his works, he integrated vernacular forms and detailing with modern structural and spatial arrangements to achieve a culturally, socially, and environmentally significant architecture."(11) He also practiced mural painting. Some of his works include Autoretrato, De unas ruinas nacen otras ruinas, Monumento fúnebre del capitalismo industrial and UNAM's library. His buildings can be found throughout Mexico City.In literature, the Irish writer James Joyce had a huge influence in Mexico. His innovative monologue style and his linear writing structure greatly impacted the way in which the best Mexican writers approached literature. Salvador Elizondo was obsessed with his writings. He dedicated a complete book about Joyce called: Invocación y evocación de la infancy. Joyce is also present in his short stories and novels. Juan Rulfo's Pedro Páramo is overflowing with the interior monologue that characterized Joyce's work.Ireland has had an historical impact on Mexico's culture, as evidenced by figures like William Lamport, Marcos or Juan O'Gorman. But even more important, Ireland has served as an example of international camaraderie that extends beyond culture and religion. Hopefully, in the years to come, this relationship will influence many of us, as we discover that violence is not the most powerful human resource. Copyright © 2005 by Rose Mary Salum. All Rights Reserved.
True Mexican
We want to foster an open community where hate is replaced with understanding, hope and pride in the Mexican culture. All races should feel welcome here.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Las Posadas

As a small child visiting with my grandmother in Cholula, Puebla, Christmas meant Posada. Nine nights of reenacting Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem. The hot wax from the little white candles we held that dripped onto our hands warmed us in the cold crisp night. It seemed to take forever to get to the house that would give the Holy Couple shelter for the night. I would be thinking about the bunuelos and champurrado instead of the spiritual significance of the ceremony. Even though my thoughts were centered on sugared pleasures when I heard
“ Entren, Santos Peregrinos ,
reciban este rincon,
no de esta pobre morada ,
si no de mi corazon”
“Enter Holy Pilgrims,
accept this dwelling;
Not of this humble house,
But of my heart .”
my own heart would fill with excitement and I would be singing at the top of my lungs. These few sentences gave me hope as a child and still give me hope as an adult. No matter if the posada was in Puebla, or East LA or Green Valley Park or in my own neighborhood with friends playing Joseph and Mary those words would illuminate me. The Prince of Peace came as a teacher, a social revolutionary, a lover. He came to the poor and down trodden of his time. He understood we are light bearers of the Divine whether we are a fisherman or a prostitute. He hoped we would open our hearts to the Divine with out limitation. I wish that for all of us in this Season of Light.
“ Entren, Santos Peregrinos ,
reciban este rincon,
no de esta pobre morada ,
si no de mi corazon”
“Enter Holy Pilgrims,
accept this dwelling;
Not of this humble house,
But of my heart .”
my own heart would fill with excitement and I would be singing at the top of my lungs. These few sentences gave me hope as a child and still give me hope as an adult. No matter if the posada was in Puebla, or East LA or Green Valley Park or in my own neighborhood with friends playing Joseph and Mary those words would illuminate me. The Prince of Peace came as a teacher, a social revolutionary, a lover. He came to the poor and down trodden of his time. He understood we are light bearers of the Divine whether we are a fisherman or a prostitute. He hoped we would open our hearts to the Divine with out limitation. I wish that for all of us in this Season of Light.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Day of Our Lady

Is she the Tonantzin ? Our precious little Earth Mother. That's what my Nana called her. She spoke to Juan Diego from Tepeyac Hill in Nahuatl
"Let not your heart be disturbed. Do not fear sickness nor any other sickness or anguish. Am I not here who is your Mother? Are you not under my protection? Am I not your health? Are you not happily within my fold? What else do you wish? Do not grieve or be disturbed by anything!
She came to us during times of horrible genocide. My Nana believed because of her appearance she saved the Raza. She has embroidered herself on our souls no matter what we believe. I pray that she hold all of us during these times of hatred and help us to stand strong.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
It’s been a week and a few days since the election. My mental stability is better so I feel a little more capable of writing something that won’t offend most people. I admit I still have bouts of craziness and anger over what happened in our country. My soul keeps telling me that it is a golden opportunity for La Raza. My gut is still tied up in “I want to kick somebody’s ass” knots.
It is obvious that Latino voters did put up a firewall in California, Nevada and Colorado, that saved the Democratic Party from losing the Senate. Political pundits took note! Everyone on both sides is trying to figure out the strategy to get our vote for 2012. As far as I am concerned, at least in Nevada, Sen. Reid never changed his story. That was the magic. He supported the Dream Act, was against SB 1070 and for Comprehensive Immigration Reform. That was his platform from the beginning and he never wavered. Governor elects Jerry Brown personally thanked Latino voters for his victory. He knew that they had helped him immeasurably. I am reading that The Republican Party is considering their new Latino pinups Mark Rubio and Susana Martinez as Vice Presidential Candidates. I love the strategy! Supposedly we (Latinos) are so stupid that we would vote for a Latino just because they are Latino. Same strategy that Mc Cain used with Palin. Women will vote for her because she is a woman. It proved to be a bad plan.
call for involvement,
Civil rights,
election 2010,
Friday, October 29, 2010
Day of the Dead , Day of Remembrance
“Only in passing are we here on earth”
Ancient Nahuatl Poetry
A friend brought me a pot of beautiful orange marigolds about a week ago. He knows they are a favorite of mine and it was a thoughtful gift. Their smell filled my kitchen and filled me of remembrances of “Flor de Muerto” and my grandmother. Their name in Nahuatl is zempasuchil and has been associated with honoring the dead in Mexico for at least 5,000 years or longer. My grandmother said the smell helps the dead souls find their way home. When I smell them it takes me home to my grandmothers’ house in Cholula, Puebla, Mexico.
day of the dead,
dia de los muertos,
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